Getting the right information to your customer base will always be a key challenge in your marketing objectives. Direct marketing can continue to play a big role in meeting these objectives and keeping your brand and your name fresh in the mind of customers.

Direct mail makes up a big part of how many people view direct marketing. One way to do this is by using leaflets and flyers to provide information on a product or service or perhaps just information on your company in general.

Getting a leaflet right is not always easy and the challenge is to try and keep the attention of the reader and provide the necessary information to drive sales and enquiries. A professional design can often go a long way to creating the perfect first impression with your leaflet and Redditch Print have a great team to make your ideas a printed reality.

If you are looking to design your own leaflet there are a number of steps we would suggest following to help create a great design.

Give Room

The old adage of ‘less is more’ is certainly the case when it comes to designing a leaflet. No one wants to read through a leaflet that is simply full of text. It takes too long and doesn’t look good. Clutter is never a good thing, so be sure to remember space when designing your leaflet. It is also important to remember to use the whole area of your leaflet and don’t simply concentrate on one corner or the centre.

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words

While ‘less is more’ can work well with leaflets, including images always work well and helps to save space. It is important to ensure the photo being used is high quality and ready for a printed leaflet. Images are also important if your leaflet includes products and product prices, as you will want to showcase the quality of the product in the best possible way.


It is important that your audience can clearly read and understand the message you are trying to get across in your leaflet. Try to avoid using light colours like white and yellow for text as they can often be hard to read unless applied to a dark background. Short, snappy sentences work well and try to get a clear, simple title that will grab the reader’s attention. Something like “Sale Now On – Up To 50% OFF!” works well. Try to avoid using text that is less than 10 point as some readers may struggle to make it out.

Print and Paper Quality

Quality comes in a number of ways including the quality of the content and the print quality. The quality of the content really comes down to the message you are trying to get across to your audience but remember to keep it short and to the point. The quality of print is also important as unlike a newspaper or TV clip which will generally be the same quality, a leaflet is something that is physically lifted and can take a lot of abuse. The better the quality of the leaflet, the better the impression you will leave with your customer. Most leaflets will range in thickness from 100gsm with finishes including matt, silk and luxury papers.

An Effective Sign Off

Finally, it is important that your leaflet has a clear call to action. A call to action is what you will be using to encourage further action from your customer. So whether you have delivered leaflets via a door-to-door mail drop, trade show or through your own business premises, it is important that there is a clear call to action that will help you measure the success of your leaflet. This call to action can take place in many formats including:

Link to your website
Social profiles
Contact telephone number
Email address
QR Code

Redditch Print are equipped to take on print jobs of any size. From business cards to buildings we can help you to find new and exciting ways to attract new customers and keep the old ones on board. We strive for the highest quality all round and can assist you right from the idea generation stage through to deployment. Give us a call or drop us an email today and see how we can get things underway.

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